Sunday 17 August 2008

Mediums On Location

In any location you can have a varying amount of entities..The majority (but not all) mediums who attend paranormal investigations have very much been church trained. This means they are used to the fluffy bunny types or the negatives. The negatives they normally would be judgemental of and sadly treat in a disrespectful manner. Also assuming normally incorrectly that the negatives are trapped in a location, or a positive type has come to a tragic end, normally by a negative type.Many mediums whilst on location will assume if there is a positive attached to this earth plain/that location then the negative will also be there. A form of penance I suppose for the person who caused another’s demise.All this is absolute rubbish! The positive and negative are something we are taught exists, we judge something or someone to be a positive or negative. This is how we try to make sense as mediums, as human beings of whom or what we are dealing with.
As a medium on any investigation you must remember never to judge anything or anyone. You will never know the full story and at the end of the day no one can judge, and who the hell are we to pass judgement on another? So whether you are dealing with what feels or seems like a negative type or a positive type both should be treated with equal respect at all times! The spirit world are not bloody trained chimps, do not expect them to stand there banging away, levitating tables over and over again, if at all. Why the hell should they. Think about it.You have entered what to them is maybe there home, the place they choose to visit. A place maybe they have fond memories of.You then have some blundering medium or a group of paranormal investigators assuming someone in the spirit world wants to talk to them, wants to dance around like a sugar plum fairies moving glasses and god knows what..For goodness sakes people be realistic, and at all times be respectful.
If you are convinced that a spirit person is within that location, and they simply are not in the mood to communicate with you etc. Then do not keep on and on at them. What you do is then change from mediums hat to scientific hat. Start working alongside the techies/scientific people within your group.Your use as a medium, as a sensitive is far greater than someone shouting into the darkness is anybody there!Bare all this in mind when as a medium you enter a location. You will get far more back from the spirit world on a location, whether a negative or positive I you treat both types with the respect they deserve, that is there right.
Also within the normal standing of spiritualist teachings, the negative of the spirit world is often avoided, and to mention demonic types is very taboo.And yet time and again I have heard of people speaking of attachments, spirits who choose to…now wait for this. Attach themselves to a non physical body to the physical body of someone who is in that location... Quite literally following them home..Why? Why would anyone whether in the spirit world or on the earth plain want to follow you home?If they are of that location then why the hell would they want to go anywhere else?Your role as a medium is to find out why they are, not to take them home and share a cup of tea and a jam tart with them. They don’t want that, you don’t want…so why convince yourself this is possible? Why would anyone who pertains to this happening to them, why do you think they would conceive such a thing is possible?
If you bring someone home with you, it’s all in your mind, not in reality!
Can you imagine being a spirit bod on a location, and having some idiot walking out the door swearing blind as you watch them leave that you are attached to them?How bloody ridiculous some people must appear to the spirit world!But the sad fact is these types of people have undoubtedly not studied this subject, not looked at the various types of entities out there. And in acting like complete brainless idiots and convincing themselves so badly this has happened, how desperate they are to be something different than they are. These types of mediums, the uneducated, inexperienced ones make the rest of us look like babbling fools. Unfortunately we all are tarred with the same brush.
So please for goodness sakes, and for other mediums out there, please check out the page about various entities and types. And a better understanding of what you are potentially dealing with on any location, and actually the logical and respectful way to communicate/treat them.You may already know much of what you are about to read, but it never hurts to brush up on your basic knowledge.Forget all that you think you know from the church, as on location and within a church setting these two places can attract a whole mixed bag of varying types and orientations.

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